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The Green Deal 4
Dales Renewables logo Case Study Four Solar PV Flat Roof Instalation Case Study Five Back to our opening page. Useful facts & examples of our services Checkout the latest news here. Images of installatons we have completed Please get in touch. Who we are and what we do Is your home suitable for Solar PV? Dales Contracts & Ecodesign Links to Information, our suppliers and our friends © Dales Renewables 2016
Green Deal Assessment: What You Should Expect – Initial Feedback. At the end of the Green Deal assessment your GDA will present to you the indicative findings and recommendations generated by the approved Green Deal Advice Report (GDAR) software, including the impact that your occupancy patterns and use will have on energy savings and the recommendations arising from the EPC. Your GDA will then explain to you the points on the Green Deal Assessment Checklist, answer any questions that you may have and inform you of who you can contact if you have any follow up questions once you receive your final Green Deal Advice Report.
The Green Deal Assessment
You can get further information and book a Green Deal Assessment simply by clicking on the EPC Kirklees image to the right.
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Case Studies

Dales Renewables Ltd.